dimarts, 13 de febrer del 2007


Darkness around me.
Permanent hangover.
Acid rain. Dirty air.
Ugly streets. Bad feelings.

Sophia! Please help me! I miss the light. I really miss it.

I don't know how but all the shadows are around me. It's too heavy.

I can't. I can't leave now. I need to go out, to look for a way out of this dark tunnel.

Sophia! I need you, Sophia! Flash of light from the sky, Oh Sophia! Show me the way...

* * * * * * * * * * *

The alarmclock rings.
It was a dream?

No. The Darkness is still here.
I don't like the smell of the lost things. Things that I'll never understand.

It's true...
I need you Sophia. Show me the light! Shopia!

6 comentaris:

Anònim,  13 de febrer del 2007, a les 17:40  

Show us the light!

Unknown 13 de febrer del 2007, a les 21:23  

Aixo aixo Esteve... q jo vull veure la llum!!

Unknown 14 de febrer del 2007, a les 15:36  

La sophia no ve... :(
No la trobaré mai, ella i jo som incompatibles

Anònim,  14 de febrer del 2007, a les 19:58  

Sophia es com es deia la sueca tremendissima que treballava amb mi!
Jo tambe li volia dir algunes paraules tipus:
I need you Sophia, I love you, you are the woman of my life. Come to my DUPLEX and you will see the stars (literally and metaphorically).
Oh, Sophia, I love yoy but you are with Karl (el seu xicot es deia aixi). If one day you leave him, remember that I'ill be there waiting for you by the way in the sky.

Unknown 15 de febrer del 2007, a les 11:11  

Otia Marc... com he rigut amb el "by the way in the sky" hehehehe

Em sembla que em faré una samarreta i tot... XDDD

Anònim,  15 de febrer del 2007, a les 23:11  

la llum sempre hi és,
el problema és que ens la venen!!

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